Review: Pixi Nourishing Cleansing Balm


A Review of the Pixi Nourishing Cleansing Balm

Hey, friend! Today, I shall talk at length unprovoked about the Pixi Nourishing Cleansing Balm. I usually use a different cleansing balm but I completely ran out of it and instead of doing the wise thing and buying the one I usually use from the internet, I ran to Target to try something new. Let's see if it worked out.

What Is The Pixi Nourishing Cleansing Balm?

Pixi is a makeup and skincare brand created by makeup artist Petra Sand. They opened their first boutique in London about ten years ago. Their most famous product is probably the Glow Tonic. You can find Pixi products at most Target stores. This time around, because of the aforementioned cleansing balm problem, I decided to try the cleansing balm from their skincare line.The cleansing balm is made with sweet almond oil and cocoa butter. The balm is supposed to be rich and gently lifts off makeup from your face. The balm is also formulated with Vitamin E which is an antioxidant that helps your skin against free radicals and leaves your skin plump and youthful.pixi nourishing cleansing balm insideIf you've never used a cleansing balm before, let me school you on how it works. The balm is solid in the pan and you scoop out a small coin sized amount onto DRY skin. Massage onto your face to gently rub makeup off of your face. As you rub the balm onto your face, the texture will change from a solid balm to oil. Next, take a washcloth and wipe the product off your face. Follow up with your favorite foam cleanser.

Good Things? Good Things?

The balm is really heavy duty. If you REALLY want to remove that heavy makeup from your face. This will do it, friend.This balm also has a nice clean, fresh scent which is really refreshing. Another nice thing is that it's formulated with Vitamin E which is really good for your skin.

Bad Things? Bad Things?

Listen (or read), I really didn't like this balm. Like REALLY don't like it.First, this bad boy costs $20 dollars. There's a good amount of product in the tub if you were gonna use all of it but I am NOT going to do that.Another thing about this is that it's heavy. Really HEAVY. Yes, it'll remove your makeup but also you're going to have heavy oil on your face. First, I tried to remove it with water. There are some really good oil cleansers that wash right off with water. This will not do that. Of course, it's oil so it's going to stubbornly sit on your face even when you try to wash it off. The directions on the website said to use a washcloth to rub it off but TO BE HONEST WITH YOU, that seems a little abrasive to do every morning and every night. I don't know about you but I need my skins. I can't be buffing it off every morning and night. And I know that sounds dramatic and you're probably saying, "Auroraaa, you don't have to rub the washcloth on your face like a Brillo pad." Any other occasion, I would agree with you but that's actually the force you need to use to get it off your face.Even after the foaming cleanser, I felt it sitting on my face. The first time I used it, I actually had to wash my face TWICE just to get the oil feeling off my face. No love from me.

So You Recommend?

Not for me.First, it costs $20. It's EXPENSIVE.Second, it doesn't come off your face. It just sits there and sits there. You have to dig your own face out with a washcloth to rub it off. On top of that, you also have to be pretty punishing with your foaming cleanser. And EVEN IF you do both of those things, there's still no guarantees that the oil would come off your face. I guess to some people, that would be a moisturizing effect BUT TO ME, it just looks like an oil film is sitting on my face. ME NO LIKEY. If you want to try it yourself, be my guest but I don't like the formulation.Alrighty, internet, that's all the complaining I'll do about this product. Go forth and conquer.


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