Review: Nexcare Blemish Clear Cover


A Review of the Nexcare Blemish Clear Cover

We've all gotten zits. We've all gotten acne. (If you haven't, you're a witch and are a lucky turd.) We all want a solution to help our little red blemishes heal faster. Can the Nexcare Blemish Clear Cover be that solution?? (Clickbait.)

What Is This Thing Called the Nexcare Blemish Clear Cover?

I'm glad you asked. Nexcare is a brand by 3M and specializes in band-aids, surgical tapes, and gauze. I've seen Nexcare band-aids in stores and such but I've never seen a pimple patch (although that would be super useful to find stores). Nexcare Blemish Clear Covers are hydrocolloid patches. Hydrocolloid patches are used medically to treat fresh wounds to prevent scarring by promoting collagen proliferation. Hydrocolloid patches are also used for acne dressing (obviously, as that is what we're discussing) but as hydrocolloid patches are best used to treat open wounds, these pimple patches work best on zits that have ALREADY popped.These pimple patches absorb oil and pus from your pimple (gross), keep the area clean, helps minimize scarring, and promotes faster healing time. I bought my box from Olive Young in Korea where (for a 1+1 deal) I got a set of 88 for 5,500 won or about 5 dollars. Twas a good deal, let me tell you and as my skin is currently FREAKING OUT over I don't know what, I'm using the heck out of these.The process goes that if you have a pimple that has burst (ew) or if you have a pimple that you want to help along in the healing process, just pop a patch on it. The pus (ew, I didn't take pics because ewww yet oddly satisfying) from the burst pimple will be sucked up by the patch by magic (JK, IDK the scientific jargon to explain it). The unburst pimple will be encouraged to heal faster.

Good Shits?

So it definitely does suck up all the pus of an open acne wound. I usually pop one on before bed and let it sit on my face for 7 or 8 hours while I sleep and wake up the next morning to a patch full of pus. Gross yet so oddly satisfying.Using a patch definitely lessens the chances that said pimple will scar also. The pimples that I have popped a patch over definitely have fared way better in the scarring category than the ones I did not put a patch on.This also works wonders for my wandering fingers. Admittedly, my worst habit is picking on my face: my lips, my acne, my dry skins. All of it is subject to brutalizing by my hand. Having a pimple patch on a pimple keeps my grubby hands off myself and therefore I'm not making the acne worse or spreading it around. That's a problem with ME personally and I'd like to say I'm working on that bad habit BUT what can I say? I am not. I'm sorry, Mom.

Bad Shits?

As aforementioned, this doesn't work as well with pimples that have NOT popped. Upon using these on unpopped zits, it looked to me that I needed to use these consistently for two straight days for the pimple to look like it's going down. But that might not be a flaw of the Nexcare Blemish Clear Cover more so a trait (description? inherent makeup?) of hydrocolloid patches.What I DID find annoying is that if my skin is lovely and moisturized, the patch will slip around. Sometimes I would find the patch I've put on my chin is on my chest. As a person who uses this patch at the very end of my skincare routine when my skin is lovely and moist, it's very annoying. HOWEVER, if I let it sit there and let my face absorb the moisture, the patch will usually stay put through the night.

Recommended Shits?

GIRL (and boy), I definitely recommend this. Dealing with my gross zits have never been this simple and the healing time has never been this fast for me. Zit scabs (EW) that usually take a full week to heal are fully healed after two or three days. I don't know if it has to say "pimple patch" on the box for us to use on acne or if we can just straight up use hydrocolloid patches but EITHER WAY, I think this is a neat product and everyone should know about it. So go forth and conquer!


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