I Went to Seoul, GUYS


Observations and Musings From a Tourist: South Korean Beauty

Wherein I Have Many Thoughts About the Beautiful Korean People and Their Cosmetics Industry

There are many observations one makes when one visits a different country. I had many thoughts about their efficient as heck subway system, their amazing food, their overall cleanliness and recycling habits but this is not a blog for that. I’m going to discuss my observations and musings about Korean people where beauty and makeup is concerned, their cosmetics industry, and cosmetics mecca Myeong Dong.

How the Heck Do They Look That Perfect?

I come from Austin, TX where it is entirely appropriate to show up to dinner in yoga pants, workout shirt, hair up in a messy bun or cap and no makeup. No such thing in Korea. The men AND women there were pressed and they looked fresh and crisp. We were at the grocery store and there were nicely dressed people there. I’m not saying they were wearing heels to the grocery store but they looked NICE. They put care and thought into how they were going to present themselves to the world.While in Seoul, we were out from morning till night and the people I saw never looked wilted or sweaty or oily. They just look NICE. I, on the other hand, look wilted the moment I woke up. My hair was wild and curly. Theirs was straight and fell nice. My makeup was getting too oily as we walked around. Theirs were glowy and beautiful. My clothes looked like I fished them out of the garbage. They look like they were photo ready all the time.I want to know how they do this. Seriously, HOW? I look wilted and tired just by sitting at my desk at work and working. What wizardry is this? I’m using the skincare. I’ve drank the skincare koolaid. They’re doing some magicks. And you can’t tell me it’s the weather/air. There was a literal event to promote cleaner air because of their air pollution problem while I was there. What is their secret? Also a fun thing that I observed about the Korean populus is that I did not see them sweat. What is THAT wizardry about? We were in Korea in May. It got hot in the afternoons. We were sightseeing and walking around and the Koreans around us were unflappable. They did not sweat, they gloweeddd. Apparently, Koreans don’t really sweat much as a people. I was born in a tropical country. That’s the only thing my large ass pores can DEFINITELY do.I'm not saying it was a fashion show all day every day in Seoul. It’s really not. There were people that truly gave no shits and just rolled up somewhere looking however they wanted. What I’m saying is that those cases were few and far between especially among the younger ones around my age. For the most part, young or old, the citizens of Seoul at least cared what clothes they put on themselves and how they presented themselves to the world. Also I’m not here to say that every person’s skin was flawless and clear and smooth like milk. I saw plenty of people with acne and marks on their face. Who would have thunk it? I guess they’re just like us, huh? I don’t know if the culture in Korea promotes always looking perfect and conforming to a very high set of ideals or they really just care about the image they show the world or BOTH. I’m not saying it wouldn’t be stifling to always have to look like you stepped out of a magazine but PERSONALLY, coming from a land where “I-just-came-from-the-gym-and-I’m-sweaty” is an appropriate look, it was refreshing to be among people who put effort into their look. Even if I probably looked like a wilted frumpy flower next to them.

These Cosmetic Companies Are.On.Crack

If there is anything that Seoul had a LOT of, it was cosmetic companies. They are EVERYWHERE. From the moment I stepped onto the Seoul airport, I saw them. There are boutique stores everywhere. If you know Korean cosmetics, you’ll recognize the names. Etude House, Nature Republic, Innisfree, Missha, Tony Moly, It’s Skin, Holika Holika, Too Cool For School, on and on and on. Even when we weren’t makeup shopping, I saw the stores and I was enticed to come in because I have no chill. In addition to the flagship stores, other cosmetics were available in specialty cosmetic stores like LOHBs, Olive Young, Watsons. Here you can find brands like Neogen, Son & Park, COSRX, Klairs, Huxley, etc. The two story Olive Young in Myeong Dong is my favorite. I lost my mind in there. I went three times. Don’t judge me.ALONG WITH specialty cosmetic stores, cosmetics were available in fashion stores like A Land and Stylenanda and El Cube. Here you can find Heimish, 3CE, and Moonshot respectively.MY POINT IS, makeup and cosmetics are EVERYWHERE AT EVERY PRICE THAT YOU CAN POSSIBLY THINK OF. There is so much competition in the Korean market for cosmetics. The market is saturated with products and new brands and products come out what seems like every day. All this competition keep prices relatively down without compromising the quality of the product. Think of it this way, you can walk into Sephora, spend $50 dollars and buy one thing, maybe two things if you tried really hard. In Korea, you can spend $50 dollars and buy four different cosmetic products, five if you tried really hard AND those products are good quality.I’m not saying ALL Korean cosmetics are cheap. There are luxury brands of course like Iope and Sulwhasoo. I’m not saying that Korean cosmetics are clearly better than Western ones. What works best for your skin and what doesn’t regardless of where it comes from is something we all must decide for ourselves. But if you were looking for a cheaper alternative without compromising quality, I suggest giving Korean cosmetics a try.

Remain Calm. Remain Calm. It’s Just the Myeong Dong Beauty Streets. REMAIN CALM.  

Ah, Myeong Dong. If I lived in Seoul and there was a place I would be at every week, it’s probably Myeong Dong. Seriously, two Etude Houses five feet from each other? Is it necessary? Probably not. Is it excessive? Most likely. Did I visit both even though they were five feet from each other and I already went to two OTHER Etude Houses in Myeong Dong. YOU BETCHA.The shopping/cosmetic streets in Myeong Dong is a tourist mecca. Those who know things about Korean cosmetics (or want to partake in the street food that abound while ALSO lose their minds on shopping) make their way to Myeong Dong. Here you can find and fulfill your Korean cosmetics dreams. You can find Korea’s most famous makeup and skincare brands here. Etude House, Missha, Innisfree, Tony Moly, Labiotte, on and on and on are here. Walking through Myeong Dong is a little overwhelming the first walk around. At least I was overwhelmed. There were brands I’ve heard about before. There were brands I’d never heard of. There are staffs calling out to you with promises of freebies if you walk into the store. They will usually give you a free sheet mask just by walking in and perusing. There are boutiques that are two stories. There are boutiques with neon lights. There are boutiques that have cafes. There are boutiques that have actual plants actually growing on its actual walls. A brand would have six or seven locations at Myeong Dong so if you see Innisfree, I bet you that you will see another one not five minutes later.So with all the overwhelmingness of Myeong Dong, here are some tips.

  • Have some kind of plan of attack. Do your research. Find out which brands you are interested in visiting and which of their products you want to try. This should help minimize A.) walking around and buying nothing because you don’t know what to buy and B.) walking around and letting staffs talk you into buying things you didn’t really want
  • If you know you’re going into a store anyway, pick the location where staffers are calling out to you and offering you free things for walking in the door. You’re going to Nature Republic anyway. Why not go to the one where the lady handed you a sheet mask for your troubles?
  • If the product you’re looking for is sold out in one store, walk five minutes in any direction, find another store, and find your product in there. I was looking for the Innisfree No Sebum Powder and the first two Innisfrees I went into didn’t have it. But in the big Innisfree (the one with the cafe), I finally found it. Dreams do come true.
  • EAT. There are plenty of street food and restaurants in Myeong Dong. Be sure to recharge your energy cells and pace yourselves.

And as a general rule, don’t be afraid to ask the staffs a question if you need help. They are used to tourists and as long as you’re very polite and respectful and make sure that you speak to them very politely, they will return the favor. Seriously, when we went to El Cube (albeit in Hong Dae), I asked a question about a cushion at the Moonshot station and he answered my questions AND did my entire makeup for me all using Moonshot products. (I’m sure it was to entice me to buy Moonshot products which worked like a charm but STILL I got my makeup done and it was awesome.)It’s safe to say I lost my mind a little at Myeong Dong. I think all of you visiting Korea should experience the awesome that is Myeong Dong so go forth and conquer.


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